Why Are You Searching?
April 12, 2020
There are so many people searching for life in dead things, after Jesus was risen from the dead the angel gave them the correct perspective you are only going to…
How To Access Favor in Uncommon Places
March 15, 2020
Rev. Barlow gives insight on the Syro-Phoenician woman that will enlighten you on the process to have the favor of God rest on you.
A Man Called Jesus
February 23, 2020
God has an different perception of what we have perceived about various things we are dealing with. Bottom line God wants to reveal Himself and give tight perception.
Midnight Praise
February 16, 2020
A midnight praise is different than an Advance praise. There are some great doors that are ready to open when we praise God with no strings attached. This Word will…
The Cost of Disobedience is Greater Than The Cost of Sacrifice II
February 9, 2020
There are things that some others do that we choose not to do because we want to walk pleasing to God.
The Cost of Disobedience is Greater Than the Cost of Sacrifice
February 2, 2020
We can't allow convenience to stop us from walking in the anointing and blessing that God wants to give us.
Give Us A King
January 26, 2020
Thrive 2020
January 19, 2020
Thriving is about flourishing even in difficult places. This message launches the thought of how God wants us to thrive in 2020
Recognizing Favor
December 22, 2019
For God to come down as a man to pay the price for us we have to be able to recognize His favor in our life. This message will show…