Purpose Statement:
We exist to exalt Jesus with our lives by extending the gospel to the world, and equipping them through the Word to exercise their gifts for ministry while edifying one another to be a shining light.
Exalt Jesus: Our life is made for worship of our Creator. We worship Him everywhere we go and in everything we do. At Lighthouse we will exalt Jesus by living a life that glorifies His name. This will be accomplished by weekly gatherings in services, training, prayer, and Bible study.
Extending the Gospel: Jesus made Himself clear in Matthew 28:19-20 and we are positioned to accomplish His will. Lighthouse will be a center for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ not only in the Independence area, but to the rest of the world as well. This will be done through aggressive and creative evangelism. Putting forth the time and resources in evangelistic ministries that will reach the local community, and training of missionaries to extend the gospel all over the world.
Equipping: The Word of God is a book like none other. No other book has stood the test of time and has had the ability to be relevant to every generation. Through the Word, Lighthouse will equip believers to live a life that is truly abundant in every way. Through the preached Word, various Bible Study Series, Training Seminars, and Devotions members will be equipped to face with confidence life issues and come out victoriously.
Exercise: It has never been God’s will to just save us and then leave us to do nothing here on this earth. We believe that we are to be activated in ministry and exercise the talents and gifts that God has given to us. Lighthouse has many areas of ministries in which a believer can exercise those gifts to reach outside themselves and minister (serve) others as Christ has shown us to do in His Word.
Edifying: The family of God is a family like none other. In the family of God we all have been called to love our neighbor as ourselves. In fact the Bible also says in John 13:35, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” We are called to edify and fellowship with one another, we edify one another continuously our annual banquets, small group ministries, retreats, seminars, youth events, bowling tourney’s and a whole lot more of other activities throughout the year. Lighthouse is a place where people of all backgrounds can come to a place and feel an experience the love of a family.