End Time Lesson 7

June 21, 2017
Some people are looking for the anti-christ and for tribulation but scripture tells us to look for the blessed hope the glorious appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Distinctions of Rapture and Second Advent also has to do with distinction between Israel and the Church. Israel is looking for signs that they may be living in expectancy when…
The Lord wants us to know that Israel and the church are two distinct groups of people. And that in Romans 11 we see that God is clearly going to…
Listen and understand when Daniel's seventy weeks begin.
Listen as we open up the book of Daniel chapter 9 and begin the study of the vision he received concerning the 70 weeks.

Here begins an exhaustive and in-depth study of the Book of Daniel and Revelation. As you build and connect on each lesson you will have grasped a great understanding of…
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